Who We Are

We are...

a community that regularly gathers for worship and is partnering with God in the flourishing of our community and the world.  We encourage people to know Christ, grow as disciples, and live out their faith in the world.

We are...

a part of the Christian Reformed Church in North America, which has hundreds of congregations throughout the United States and Canada. “Reformed” means that we are part of the great tradition of churches born from the Protestant Reformation that began in 1517.  The CRC includes just over one thousand congregations across the United States and Canada. About 75 percent of the churches are in the United States; 25 percent are in Canada. We’re one of only a few binational denominations: rather than split into different churches at the 49th parallel, we’re united.

What we’re about…

Our mission is to be a community of bold Jesus-proclaimers and active


Where we’re going…

Our vision is to build a Christ-centered, intergenerational community of grace which is sent out by the Spirit of God to make disciples and transform our communities and the world.

Our Core Values

  • God

    We believe in one God, revealed as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the loving creator, redeemer and transformer, and Lord of all.

    Therefore, we will trust God, honor creation and be a transforming community.

  • God the Father

    We believe in God the Father who deeply loves all people and is eager to adopt us
    as his children.

    Therefore, we will extend God's love and grace to all people.

  • God the Son

    We believe in Jesus Christ, who, by his life, death, resurrection and presence, makes us a new creation.

    Therefore, we will live in gratitude to Christ and joyfully grow in the
    adventure of discipleship.

  • God the Holy Spirit

    We believe in God the Holy Spirit, the mysterious, life-giving presence of Jesus in us, who guides and empowers God's people.

    Therefore, we will use the Spirit's gifts and be open to the Spirit's leading in our lives
    and the church.

  • Bible

    We believe the Bible is God's living Word, revealing to us our way in this world, the truth about all things, and the life that is truly life.

    Therefore, we will listen to God expectantly and respond obediently.

  • Church

    We believe the church is the wonderfully diverse family of God created to love and bless one another and God's world.

    Therefore, we will grow Jesus-followers for works of service in the church,
    our local communities, and world.

  • Worship

    We believe that God delights in our individual and corporate worship
    in every area of life.

    Therefore, we will joyfully and wholeheartedly offer our daily lives in service to God.

  • Prayer

    We believe that prayer is communion with God through which we grow in knowing, seeking and responding to God's glory, grace, and authority.

    Therefore, we will pray together as a community and in personal prayer practices. 

  • Calling

    We believe that prayer is communion with God through which we grow in knowing, seeking and responding to God's glory, grace, and authority.

    Therefore, we will pray together as a community and in personal prayer practices. 

*A note about our Core Value Statements*

These statements are important but not limited aspects of the glorious realities named here.
We believe that God is leading us at this time to grow in living out the implications of these beliefs in our lives and ministry.
We trust that others will increasingly see that what we believe connects with how we live in ways
that bring glory to God and beauty to God's people and the world.

CRCNA: Our Journey 2025

The CRCNA is about to embark on a new five-year journey.  Our goal?  To become congregations and communities that:

  • Cultivate prayer and spiritual disciplines

  • Listen to the voices of every generation

  • Grow in diversity and unity

  • Share and live the gospel

Explore the following link to see the path we've been traveling during Our Journey 2025.